Archives for posts with tag: sustainability

Aloha USGBC at UH students and advisors,

The membership kick-off was a success, with many new sign ups and more interest in campus involvement. To follow up on the discussion at the meeting, here is what we need to work on-

We are actively seeking funding to bring over a LEED instructor to teach the LEED-GA exam prep course. The course is $200 per person, so we are trying to negotiate a cheaper group rate as well as FUNDRAISE!

* ASUH granted USGBC UH $300 towards this training event.
* We are participating in the CFL exchange with Blue Planet to raise $400
* Participating in the adopt-a-recycle bin through Landscaping where we keep 100% of profits for maintaining the bin

If you can help in any way, let us know. These opportunities depend solely on how much effort we put in as a group. The more we raise, the less we pay ourselves.

We also need participants and help with:

* Lifecycle Building Challenge
* Civic Duty project
* Social media and website

Upcoming events that USGBC at UH is involved in-

First Green Friday Sustainability Showcase

November 4, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Manoa Campus, Sustainability Courtyard

The Ecology Club at UH and the Surfrider Foundation present the First Green Friday at UH Manoa. This sustainability showcase will bring together faculty, students and the community to discover the ways in which we are striving towards reducing our shared ecological footprint. Featuring the Rise Against Plastics campaign, live music, ono local food, guest speakers, sustainability workshops, CFL exchange and more!

Environmental Film Series

November 2nd, 16th and 30th at 6pm in HIG 110

The Ecology Club presents the Environmental Film Series, screening the critically acclaimed films Blue Gold (Nov. 2nd) Home (Nov. 16th) and Wasteland (Nov. 30th). Each screening will be followed by an expert discussion panel. There will also be a CFL exchange booth set up at each event.

Manoa Sustainability Corps meeting

November 2nd, Yukiyoshi Rm, 3:30 pm

* If anyone is available to help with USGBC UH fundraiser CFL exchange at any of these events, please contact us ASAP*

Incoordination with the Ecology Club at UH, Surfrider Foundation and RIse Against Plastics- USGBC UH Manoa is hosting it’s First Green Friday, a showcase of sustainability on campus and off…

If interested in showcasing please contact
